Hi, Welcome to my Portfolio!

My name is Harold Aquino and I am a Front End Developer focused on clean and reusable code

Main Stack: HTML, Bootstrap, React, Firebase

Tech Stack

Modern and dynamic technologies I use

  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Wordpress
  • Firebase
Platforms & Frameworks
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • SASS
  • PHP


  • GitHub
  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Netlify



A full stack website for a canned cocktail company built with Bootstrap, React, and Firebase. The website features Google Maps API and Instagram API.

Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Swiper, Firebase, Google Maps API, Instagram API


Cama Coffee

Fully responsive coffee grounds website built with SASS and React.

Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, SASS, Swiper


Mobile Responsive portfolio website for a photography agency built with Bootstrap and React.

Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Bootstrap


Single Page Website built for a local restaurant featuring mobile responsiveness.

Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Swiper